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Article summary

1. Issue Summary

  • Error Code: RVR-APS-110
  • Data Connector: appstore_apps
  • Error Description: Issue with trust cookie

The error code "RVR-APS-110" related to the appstore_apps connector suggests there is an issue with the trust cookie configuration or handling within Rivery. Trust cookies are used to manage session authentication and maintain user sessions across requests.

2. Action Steps

To resolve the "issue with trust cookie", you may need to follow these steps:

  1. Verify Cookie Settings:

    • Check your appstore_apps integration settings to ensure that trust cookies are properly configured.
    • Ensure that the expiration and validation settings of the cookies are set appropriately.
  2. Network and Firewall Configuration:

    • Ensure that your network configuration, including proxies and firewalls, allows for the necessary cookie exchanges between Rivery and the App Store.
  3. Review Security Policies:

    • Double-check if any recent changes to security policies might affect how cookies are accepted or transmitted.
  4. Refresh Connection:

    • Try refreshing the appstore connection within Rivery to reset any session issues that might be affected by stale or invalid cookies.
  5. Check for Updates:

    • Ensure that you are using the latest version of the Rivery platform which might include fixes for cookie management issues.
  6. Log Monitoring:

    • Review any relevant logs for detailed error messages that can provide insights into what in the cookie management process might be failing.

3. External References

  • Review the official Rivery documentation for more details regarding your specific data connector: Rivery Documentation

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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