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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error message with code "RVR-ART-001" indicates that there are missing mandatory authorization fields for the Airtable data connector in Rivery. This is likely caused by incorrect or incomplete authorization credentials such as an API Key or OAuth settings not set properly in the connection configuration.
    • Ensure that all necessary authorization fields are correctly entered in the Rivery's Airtable connection setup.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Go to your Airtable account and check the existing API keys or switch to using OAuth if you haven't already. Airtable is moving from API Key to OAuth 2.0 starting February 1st, 2024, as API keys will be deprecated at that point.
    • Access your Rivery console and navigate to the "Connections" section.
    • If still using API keys, update or verify the existing keys. If moving to OAuth 2.0:
      • Click "Connect to Airtable" and follow the OAuth flow, ensuring you log in and authorize Rivery.
    • If you've entered an API Key, re-check its validity and ensure it's correctly linked to your Airtable Base.
    • Test the connection to make sure the credentials work. You can do this by providing a Base ID and Table name from Airtable, followed by utilizing the Test Connection feature in Rivery.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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