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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error "Failed to legacy connect with extract zip file" with Error Code: RVR-ASA-100 in Rivery while connecting to Apple Search Ads indicates a problem with the legacy connection method. This method relies on using a zip archive file for API credentials, which is being deprecated and might not function correctly for new users or configurations.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Transition to the OAuth Method: Instead of using the Zip archive (legacy method), it is suggested to switch to the OAuth method which provides connectivity based on client_id, team_id, key_id, and a public key provided by Rivery. Here are the steps:
      1. Sign in to Apple Ads using an account with admin permissions.
      2. Navigate to the account settings to manage users and permissions.
      3. Generate a new public key in Rivery to enable OAuth connectivity.
      4. Add the public key to Apple Ads and retrieve the client_id, team_id, and key_id.
      5. Configure these credentials in Rivery and test the connection.
    • Obtain Support: If issues persist with connectivity, it is advisable to upgrade to the new OAuth method to ensure seamless connectivity.
  3. External References:

    • Detailed guidance on setting up the new OAuth connection in place of the legacy zip method can be found here.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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