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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • You encountered an error while attempting to connect to the AppleSearchAds data connector in Rivery. The error code "RVR-ASA-103" indicates a general JWT connection issue. This typically suggests there might be a problem with the JWT configuration or credentials provided for the AppleSearchAds API connection.
    • Initial diagnosis suggests a potential misconfiguration or missing credentials in the JWT setup for Apple SearchAds.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Double-check your JWT configuration settings for Apple SearchAds to ensure all credentials are accurate and complete. This includes the client_id, team_id, key_id, and the public key provided by Rivery.
    • Ensure that the user account in Apple Ads has the correct API permissions set to "API Account Read Only".
    • Follow the recommended steps to generate a new public key and provide it to Apple Ads to obtain new client_id, team_id, and key_id.
      1. Generate New Public Key: In the Rivery console, create a new key pair for the Apple Ads connection.
      2. Provide Key to Apple Ads: Use the public key in your Apple Ads account settings to get the client_id, team_id, and key_id.
      3. Update Connection: Go back to Rivery, enter the client_id, team_id, and key_id into the corresponding fields in the Apple Ads connection setup.
    • Test the connection after making these changes to ensure the JWT configuration is now valid and the connection is successful.
  3. External References:

    • You can refer to the official Rivery documentation about connecting Apple SearchAds for additional details and the step-by-step guide here.
    • Appleā€™s official guide regarding Apple Ads API can provide additional insights, which is available through their developer portal.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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