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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • You encountered the error "Failed with missing team id" with Error Code: RVR-ASA-301 while using the AppleSearchAds data connector. This error suggests that a required parameter, team_id, is missing in your configuration settings for connecting to Apple Search Ads.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Follow these steps to resolve the issue:
      1. Account Configuration: Ensure that your Apple Search Ads account is correctly configured to provide the necessary credentials, including team_id. Make sure that you have set up an Apple ID with the required API permissions in the Apple Search Ads platform.
      2. Connection Setup: In the Rivery platform, go to your connections and check the Apple Search Ads connection settings. Ensure that client_id, team_id, key_id, and the corresponding public key are entered accurately.
      3. Generate Keys: If necessary, regenerate your public key and follow the steps to add it to Apple Search Ads. A detailed process for creating a public key in Rivery and setting it up in Apple Ads is described here.
      4. Testing Connection: After updating the credentials, use Rivery to test the connection to ensure all configurations are correct.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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