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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error "Error trying to connect to Athena. Error Code: RVR-ATH-100" indicates a problem with establishing a connection to Amazon Athena from the Rivery platform. This error typically points to misconfigurations in connection settings or insufficient permissions.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Check Connection Settings:

      • Ensure that the connection settings in Rivery are correctly configured. This includes verifying the region, workgroup, and credentials (AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key).
      • Review the connection procedure to Athena, using either AWS Keys or IAM Role. Make sure that you have followed the necessary steps to set these up correctly.
    • Verify Permissions:

      • Confirm that the IAM user or role used for Rivery has the necessary permissions to access Athena. This includes permissions like glue:GetDatabases, glue:GetTables, and s3:ListAllMyBuckets.
      • If you're using IAM Role Automatic or Manual, ensure that the IAM policy 'Rivery-Athena-Policy' is attached and includes the required actions.
    • Network and Access:

      • Make sure the IPs used by Rivery are whitelisted in your AWS security groups and firewall settings, if applicable.
    • Test Connection:

      • Use the 'Test Connection' feature in Rivery to verify the connection to Athena. This step will help confirm whether the settings and permissions are correctly applied.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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