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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-ATH-207 in the context of Rivery's Athena data connector indicates that merge keys are missing. Merge keys are essential for operations that involve combining datasets, such as upsert or merge operations. This error suggests that the configured operation cannot identify which rows from the source data should be matched with rows in the target table because the necessary keys haven't been specified or are improperly configured.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Key Columns:

      • Ensure that the correct columns are set as merge keys in your Rivery logic. Merge keys are typically required fields that define how records are matched between the source and target datasets. Check your column mapping to ensure the correct keys are selected.
    • Review Merge Conditions:

      • Make sure the merge conditions are defined correctly. Conditions should specify how and which source table rows should be matched to the target table rows.
    • Check Source and Target Table Definitions:

      • Inspect both your source and target tables to confirm they contain the necessary key columns. These columns should not only be present but also correctly formatted and devoid of null values.
    • Loading Mode Configuration:

      • Look into the loading mode settings in Rivery. If you are using Upsert Merge, confirm that it includes defined key columns for identifying duplicates and updates.
  3. External References:

    • Consider reviewing the official Rivery documentation on using the Athena connector for additional insights and best practices: Rivery Documentation - Athena.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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