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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • You are encountering error code RVR-ATH-208 related to loading source files into Amazon Athena using Rivery's platform. This error typically indicates an issue with the data pipeline configuration or permissions affecting the operation of Amazon Athena.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Check Permissions: Ensure that the AWS IAM user or role used by Rivery in your setup has the necessary permissions for Amazon Athena and S3 bucket operations. This includes permissions to create databases, tables in Athena, and access or manage the data stored in S3. Ensure the policies contain actions such as glue:GetDatabases, athena:*, and permissions for S3 buckets.
    • Validate Connectivity: Use Rivery's "Test Connection" feature to verify if the connection to Athena is properly established.
    • Inspect S3 Bucket Setup: Confirm that your S3 buckets are correctly configured to store Athena's query results and data sources. This involves making sure that there's at least one bucket for query results and another for source data that Athena can query.
    • Review Data Format: Check that the source files are in a format that Athena can process (e.g., CSV, JSON) and that data partitions, if any, are correctly set.
    • Loading Mode Configuration: Make sure that the loading mode is set correctly. Options like Upsert or Overwrite must align with how data updates or new entries are handled.
  3. External References:

    • For more detailed guidance, you can refer to Rivery's official documentation on connecting to Amazon Athena here.
    • Amazon's Athena documentation might also provide helpful insights: AWS Athena Documentation.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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