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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • Error Code: RVR-AZURE-BLOB-200
    • Data Connector: AZURE_BLOB_STORAGE
    • Error Description: Failed to load files to File Zone

    The error indicates an issue when attempting to load files into a File Zone using the Azure Blob Storage data connector in Rivery. This problem often arises due to misconfigurations or permissions issues with the Azure Blob Storage setup.

  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Connection Details: Ensure that the connection to Azure Blob Storage is set up correctly, including the correct storage account name, container, and access credentials.
    • Check Permissions: Ensure that the service principal or storage account has adequate permissions to read and write data into the specified blob container. This typically includes roles such as "Storage Blob Data Contributor".
    • Review Network Access: Ensure that any required IP addresses are whitelisted in your Azure network settings, allowing Rivery to access the blob storage. This can often involve IP rules within the Azure portal's networking section.
    • Configure Custom File Zone Properly:
      • If using a custom File Zone, ensure it is configured correctly in Rivery. This includes verifying the File Zone connection settings and testing the connection to confirm that it is correctly established.
    • Error Logging: Review logs within Rivery and Azure to identify any specific requests or operations that might have failed, providing more insight into the cause of the error.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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