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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error FAILED_TO_GET_COLUMN_DESCRIPTION, with the Error Code RVR-BQ-RDBMS-002, indicates a failure in retrieving column descriptions when using a BigQuery data connector bq_src. This is commonly encountered when Rivery can't extract metadata or column descriptions from the specified table or dataset in BigQuery due to permission issues, incorrect dataset configurations, or network problems.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Permissions: Ensure that the service account used by Rivery has appropriate permissions to access the datasets and tables in BigQuery. The account should at least have bigquery.tables.get and bigquery.tables.getData permissions.
    • Check Dataset and Table Configurations: Confirm that the dataset and table names are specified correctly, and the dataset exists in the specified project.
    • Validate Network Access: Ensure that network configurations allow connectivity from Rivery to your Google Cloud resources. Check that the appropriate IP addresses are whitelisted in your firewall settings.
    • Connection Details: Double-check the connection settings in Rivery to ensure the project ID, dataset, and table names align with those in BigQuery.
    • BigQuery Console Verification: Use the Google Cloud BigQuery console to verify that the dataset and table are accessible and the column descriptions are retrievable manually.
  3. External References:

    • For more information about setting up and troubleshooting BigQuery data connections on Rivery, you can refer to the official Rivery documentation here.
    • Google Cloud Documentation on BigQuery Access Control.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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