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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-BQ-RDBMS-003 with the description FAILED_TO_EXECUTE relates to a failure in executing a river operation with a BigQuery data source in Rivery. This can commonly be due to configuration issues, connectivity problems, or internal errors during execution.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Check Connection: Verify that the connection settings to BigQuery are correct. This includes checking the authentication credentials and ensuring all required permissions are properly set. Double-check the dataset IDs and table names used in the configuration.
    • Review Execution Logs: Go through the logs available in Rivery for the specific river that is failing. The logs might provide a more detailed error message that can direct you to the source of the problem.
    • Validate Permissions: Ensure that the Google Cloud project associated with the BigQuery dataset has granted all necessary permissions to the Rivery service account.
    • Test BigQuery Configuration Independently: Run a simple query or data operation directly in the BigQuery console to ensure that the dataset and table are accessible and operational.
    • Reinitialize or Redefine River Logic: If configuration settings recently changed, such as schema changes in the source dataset, you may need to modify your river's schema settings or reinitialize it to accommodate these changes.
  3. External References:

    • Rivery BigQuery Connection Setup: Rivery Documentation - For verifying connection parameters and setup instructions.
    • Google BigQuery Documentation: BigQuery Documentation - For permissions and dataset setup instructions.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support【4:11†Rivery Documentation 202408 (2).pdf】.

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