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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • Error Code: RVR-BQ-RDBMS-006
    • Data Connector: bq_src
    • Error Description: FAILED_TO_GET_BUCKETS suggests that the system was unable to retrieve the list of buckets from Google Cloud Storage. This is often linked to insufficient permissions or a misconfigured connection setup concerning the service account being used.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Service Account Permissions: Ensure that the service account in use has the storage.buckets.list permission. This permission is necessary for the service account to list buckets in Google Cloud Storage. If this is not yet assigned, you might need to customize the IAM role to include this permission.
    • Configure Google Cloud Storage Bucket:
      • Check if the Google Cloud Storage bucket is correctly set up following these instructions:
        • Go to the Google Cloud Platform Console.
        • Navigate to "Cloud Storage" and create necessary buckets if not already done.
        • Under "Permissions," ensure the service account has the necessary access, ideally as a Storage Admin.
    • Review Connection Settings in Rivery:
      • Confirm that the connection settings in Rivery reflect the accurate details of the service account, project ID, and default bucket. Ensure the correct JSON key file is uploaded for the service account.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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