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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error RVR-BSFEEDER-101 suggests that the data connector, specifically using "storages," is encountering an issue with timestamp formatting. The error description indicates that Unix timestamps in seconds are required, but they have not been provided correctly. Unix timestamps are a way to represent time as the number of seconds that have passed since January 1, 1970 (often referred to as the "epoch").
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify the data source setup to ensure it is expected to handle Unix timestamps.

    • Convert all date-time fields in your dataset to Unix timestamps in seconds. In R, you can convert a regular date to a Unix timestamp using a function like:

      as.numeric(as.POSIXct("2023-10-15 12:00:00", tz="UTC"))

      This will return a numeric value representing the Unix time.

    • If the data is in a CSV or other file format, ensure that the date columns are converted before ingestion or that a transformation step is applied within Rivery to handle this conversion.

    • Double-check the schema configuration in your Rivery pipeline to ensure that the date fields are being correctly recognized and transformed into Unix timestamp format.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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