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Article summary

1. Issue Summary

The error "No files in the source pathError Code: RVR-BSPTOR-100" indicates that the specified source path for the data connector 'storages' in your Rivery configuration does not contain any files to process. This could be due to an incorrect file path, missing files in the specified directory, or misconfigured source settings.

2. Action Steps:

Here are the steps you can take to resolve this issue:

  • Verify Source Path:

    • Double-check the file path you provided in your Rivery configuration to confirm it is correct.
    • Ensure that the path is accessible and files are present at the specified location.
  • Source Connector Configuration:

    • Revisit the configuration settings of your storage data connector in Rivery to ensure that they accurately point to the directory containing your files.
  • File Availability:

    • Make sure that there are files in the source directory. Sometimes files might be removed or not uploaded as expected.
  • Permissions:

    • Validate that the necessary permissions are granted for Rivery to access the files in the specified directory.
  • Check Logs:

    • Review the Rivery execution logs for more details or clues regarding the error. The logs might provide further insight if the path is incorrect or if there is a problem accessing the files.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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