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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-BSPTOR-105 with the description "No File Found For Mapping. Please check your criteria and try again" indicates that Rivery is unable to find a file in the specified storage location that matches the criteria you've set in your river's configuration. This is often related to the specifics of your file path, filters, or other criteria you have used to locate the file in storage.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify File Path and Criteria:
      • Double-check that the configuration in your river's criteria settings accurately reflects the file name and path in the storage. Pay particular attention to case sensitivity and ensure that any variables or dynamic parts of the path are correctly evaluated.
    • Check File Availability:
      • Make sure that the files you are trying to access actually exist in the storage location you are pointing to. It may help to manually check the storage location using a tool or interface provided by the storage service.
    • Update Connection and Settings:
      • Confirm that the storage connection settings in Rivery are correctly set up. Ensure credentials and permissions are correctly configured and that Rivery has access to the necessary file zones.
    • Review Logs and Messages:
      • Look at the detailed logs and messages from Rivery to see if there are any additional clues or information on why the file is not being recognized. Logs might indicate additional issues such as network errors, permissions issues, or miscommunication with the storage API.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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