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Article summary

1. Issue Summary

  • You're encountering an error with code "RVR-BSPTOR-107" which indicates a failure to load to the filezone using Rivery's storage data connector. The error seems to relate to an issue with accessing or utilizing file storage zones, typically configured for cloud storage integrations like AWS S3 or Google Cloud Storage.

2. Action Steps:

  • Verify Storage Connection: Ensure your storage connection (e.g., S3 bucket or Google Cloud Storage) is correctly configured.
    • Check the bucket names, region configurations, and any service account credentials.
    • Test your storage connection settings within Rivery to confirm access permissions.
  • Review Permissions: Make sure that Rivery's storage service account has the required permissions to read from and write to the storage bucket.
    • For S3, permissions should include actions like s3:GetObject, s3:PutObject, etc.
    • For Google Cloud Storage, verify if the bucket permissions align with the service account used.
  • Check for Configuration Errors: Incorrect bucket or file zone configurations can cause this error. In Rivery, double-check the configurations under your data source or destination setup.
  • Use the Rivery Console Test Connection: Utilize the 'Test Connection' feature available in Rivery for storage connections to diagnose connection issues promptly.

3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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