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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • You encountered the error "Missing target file zone in task_def dict" with error code RVR-BSPTOR-111 related to the data connector for storages. This error typically arises when the configuration for a storage connector or an associated task is missing the specification for the file zone where data is expected to be stored.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Check your storage connector configuration to verify that a target file zone is defined. This involves ensuring that you have specified the correct path or bucket where the data will be stored.
    • If you are using a specific cloud storage service (like AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, etc.), ensure that all necessary permissions are granted and any custom file zones are properly configured. This includes checking bucket names, regions, and access credentials.
    • Review any recent changes to your task definition or storage settings, and ensure the target file zone aligns with your pipeline's needs.
    • Test the connection to the file zone to confirm accessibility from Rivery, and verify that the path is reachable.
  3. External References:

    • For further details on configuring custom file zones, please refer to the Rivery documentation on managing file zones and storages: Rivery Documentation.
    • If you're using AWS, the S3 configuration can be verified here: AWS S3 Documentation.
    • For Google Cloud Storage, ensure compliance with the setup process listed here: Google Cloud Storage Setup.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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