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# Error Code RVR-DOUBPUB-051 in DoubleClick Publisher Data Connector

1. Issue Summary

  • Error Code: RVR-DOUBPUB-051
  • Error Description: Failed to retrieve custom dimensions.
  • Data Connector: DoubleClick Publisher

Initial Diagnosis:

The error code RVR-DOUBPUB-051 indicates that there was an issue in fetching custom dimensions in the DoubleClick Publisher data connector. A likely cause could be related to permissions, API endpoints, or configuration issues in setting up the connection with the DoubleClick API. Custom dimension retrieval issues generally stem from incorrect API configurations, lack of permissions, or misalignment in the expected data schema.

2. Action Steps

To resolve this error, follow these suggested steps:

  1. Verify API Permissions:
    Ensure that your API service account has been granted the necessary permissions to access custom dimensions on DoubleClick. Lack of permissions could prevent data retrieval.

  2. Confirm API Configuration:
    Double-check the API configuration in the Rivery platform to ensure that the connection is properly set up with correct credentials and scope that includes access to custom dimensions in DoubleClick.

  3. Inspect Network Access:
    Ensure that there are no network issues preventing access to the DoubleClick API services. Check if your network security settings allow outbound connections to the DoubleClick API.

  4. Review Logs:
    Look through any available logs in Rivery related to the DoubleClick connection. Logs might contain more details on what triggered the error. Consider the timing and repeatability of the error to understand if it might be a transient issue.

  5. Check for API Limitations and Constraints:
    Sometimes API calls may have certain constraints such as limits on the number of dimensions fetched at one time. Refer to the official DoubleClick Publisher documentation for any restrictions.

  6. Update or Reconfigure Connection:
    If the above steps do not resolve the issue, consider removing and re-adding the connection with updated details and testing the integration once more.

3. External References

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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