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Issue Summary

The error "Invalid filter operator. Error Code: RVR-DOUBPUB-401" is encountered when using the DoubleClick Publisher data connector in Rivery. This error suggests that there is an issue with how filters are being applied in your data query, likely due to using an unsupported or mistakenly formatted filter operator.


Based on the provided documentation, filters within Rivery require specific syntax to correctly interact with data source APIs. Incorrect specification or unsupported operators within these filters can lead to errors such as RVR-DOUBPUB-401.

Action Steps

  1. Check Filter Syntax: Ensure your filter syntax matches the supported operators and formats required by the DoubleClick Publisher API:

    • Supported operators typically include ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=, as well as string matching operators like =@ (contains substring) and !@ (does not contain substring)【4:17†Rivery Documentation】.
  2. Review Rivery Filter Implementation: In the Rivery platform, ensure that:

    • String and date values are encased in quotation marks ('value').
    • Numeric values are not quoted.
  3. Correct Use of Rivery Syntax: When constructing your River, refer to the section of Rivery's documentation detailing the use of PQL (Publisher Query Language) if applicable, as PQL specifics the allowed conditions and syntax rules【4:9†Rivery Documentation】【4:18†Rivery Documentation】.

  4. Cross-Check with API Documentation: Consult the Google Ad Manager (DoubleClick Publisher) official documentation to verify if there are any special instructions or recent updates which might affect the filter operator syntax used in your API queries.

  5. Re-test Queries: After correcting the filter operators, re-run your River to check if the error persists.

External References

For more detailed guidance on supported operators and correct syntax use, consult the official Rivery documentation:

Additionally, refer to the official Google Ad Manager API documentation for specifics about the API query syntax and capabilities.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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