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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • You are experiencing an error with error code RVR-FBS-003 while attempting to establish a data connection with FacebookSocial via the Rivery platform. The error description indicates a failure to obtain the necessary data mapping.
    • This issue could be related to authentication or permissions associated with the Facebook connection used in Rivery.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Connection: Ensure that the Facebook connection in Rivery is correctly authenticated. Go to your Rivery console and navigate to the FacebookSocial connection to check its status.
    • Update Permissions: Ensure the user who authenticated the connection has the necessary permissions for the Facebook pages involved. This includes roles like admin for the concerned pages.
    • Reconnect to Facebook: Try to reauthenticate the connection by removing the current integration and setting it up again. Follow these steps:
      1. In Facebook, go to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Business Integrations.
      2. Remove the Rivery app and then refresh it within Rivery to re-establish the connection.
    • Test Connection: After setting up the connection again, use the 'Test Connection' feature in Rivery to ensure the connection is working properly.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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