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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-FBS-200 indicates a failure in extracting an insight report from the FacebookSocial data connector. This commonly occurs due to issues with the connection to Facebook, data range limitations, or incorrect configurations within Rivery. Ensuring your configurations are correct and the connection is properly authenticated is crucial.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Check Connection: Ensure that your Facebook connection in Rivery is properly established and authenticated. If necessary, reauthenticate your credentials as outlined in the configuration settings.
    • Adjust Date Range: Ensure that the date range for the data you are trying to extract is not too large or beyond what Facebook can handle. Consider narrowing the date range or splitting the requests into smaller intervals.
    • Review Permissions: Verify that the account linked with Rivery has the necessary permissions to access the data. Make sure you have the appropriate role on the Facebook page or ad account you are trying to extract data from.
    • Consult Logs: Look at any error messages or logs provided during the run to pinpoint specific issues or errors that Facebook API might return. Adjust configurations accordingly.
    • Ignore Errors Option: If some accounts or data points frequently fail, use the option to ignore errors for certain accounts or data points to ensure the river doesn't fail entirely. This can be helpful in isolating problematic accounts.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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