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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error "Error Code: RVR-FBS-203" specifically arises when attempting to extract an insight report from a FacebookSocial data connector in Rivery. This error typically signifies a runtime issue during the data extraction process from Facebook's API. Common causes might include issues with API limits, authentication, or misconfiguration of the report parameters.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Check API Limitations: Ensure that you are not exceeding Facebook's API rate limits or requesting excessive data by adjusting the date range or using interval chunks. Facebook's APIs have specific constraints that can lead to errors if not adhered to.
    • Re-authenticate Facebook Connection: Ensure that your Facebook connection in Rivery is authenticated properly. This involves re-authenticating and using the "Test Connection" function to verify that it is operational.
    • Verify Page and Permissions: Ensure the Facebook account used in the connection has the appropriate permissions for the pages data is being extracted from. This can involve checking that the user has access rights to the pages involved.
    • Modify Report Parameters: Simplify your report parameters by reducing the number of dimensions, metrics, or specifying a smaller date range to ensure the extraction operation does not exceed allocated resources.
    • Consult Facebook API Documentation: Refer to the Facebook Insights API documentation to ensure your query complies with their current API specifications and limitations.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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