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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-FBS-204 indicates a failure in extracting the insight report using the FacebookSocial data connector on the Rivery platform. This is a general error that could arise from a variety of issues including incorrect configuration, permissions issues, or API limitations and errors.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Connection: Ensure that your Facebook connection in Rivery is properly authenticated and has the necessary permissions. Re-authenticate the connection if needed.
      • Make sure the Facebook user account associated with the connection has the required permissions to access the Facebook pages and ad accounts involved.
    • Check Permissions: Check if the user who authenticated with Rivery has admin permissions. As noted, having analyst permissions might not suffice.
    • Review Facebook Limitations: Refer to the known issues and limitations with Facebook reports in Rivery to ensure that none of these are causing the error.
    • Reduce Query Load: Simplify your request by reducing the date range or number of dimensions/metrics in your insight report.
    • Consult Facebook API Documentation: Check for any recent changes or restrictions in the Facebook Marketing API that might affect data extraction.
    • Try Ignoring Account Errors: In some cases, opting to ignore errors for certain Facebook accounts might prevent the entire river from failing.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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