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Article summary

Here is a detailed guide to resolving the error code RVR-FBS-207 associated with EXTRACT_INSIGHT_REPORT_LIST_OF_POSTS_FAILURESError for the Facebook data connector in Rivery:

  1. Issue Summary

    • Error Code: RVR-FBS-207
    • Source: Facebook
    • Diagnosis: This error typically occurs when there is an issue extracting insights or metrics from Facebook's list of posts through a Facebook data connector. It might be caused by permissions, API call limits, or an incorrect setup in the report configuration.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Permissions: Ensure that the Rivery connection used has the appropriate permissions. For Facebook API, you may need either a page access or app token with relevant permissions.
    • Check API Limitations: Facebook APIs have rate limits. Verify if there is an API rate limit issue. If the limit is exceeded, wait until the limit resets and try again.
    • Review Report Configuration:
      • Make sure that you have selected the correct parameters, such as page IDs, metric types, and date ranges.
      • Ensure you have access to the pages and posts you are trying to extract insight from.
    • Error Log Inspection: Review logs for specific errors returned by the Facebook API. This might provide more detailed error descriptions which could help isolate whether it's a query parameter or data issue.
    • Reauthenticate Facebook Connection: Sometimes reauthenticating the data source connection in Rivery might resolve underlying token or session-related issues.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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