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Article summary

1. **Issue Summary**
   - You are encountering the error "Error trying to cast null values for required column" with error code RVR-FRB-100 while working with a Firebolt data connector in Rivery. This error typically occurs when an operation attempts to input or transform null values into columns that do not accept nulls. It is crucial to ensure columns, especially those set as primary indexes or with not-null constraints, do not receive null values.

2. **Action Steps:**
   - **Identify Null Columns**: Check which columns in your data have null values and cross-reference them with your Firebolt table schema to identify columns that cannot accept nulls.
   - **Modify Schema or Data**: You have two options:
       1. Adjust your Rivery input data to ensure no null values are present in columns that must not be null.
       2. Edit your Firebolt table schema to allow nulls if applicable and doesn't contradict your data integrity requirements.
   - **Cast Null Values**: Before the data load, convert null values in your Rivery processes to suitable default values using Rivery's transformations. This is especially important for primary key columns in Firebolt, as they must not contain nulls【4:2†Rivery Documentation 202408 (2).pdf】.

3. **External References:**
   - For further guidance, you may visit Firebolt's official documentation on handling null values here: [Firebolt Documentation on Null Values](https://docs.firebolt.io/).
   - For more on Rivery's data transformations and mappings, refer to Rivery's documentation: [Rivery's Official Documentation](https://docs.rivery.io/docs).

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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