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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-GNS-108 with a BAD_REQUEST message indicates a request issue with the Genesys data connector in Rivery. This generally occurs due to invalid or missing parameters in the API request sent to Genesys. Ensuring correct API credentials, endpoints, and required parameters are included in the request is crucial.
  2. Action Steps:

    • First, verify that all API credentials for the Genesys connection (such as API Key and Access Token) are correct and have the necessary permissions.
    • Double-check the API request configuration in Rivery to ensure it matches the expected format and includes all required parameters specified by the Genesys API.
    • Review Genesys API documentation to confirm that there haven't been any recent changes to the API that might affect the request structure or required parameters.
    • Ensure that the network settings, like endpoints and DNS configurations, align with current Genesys API services.
    • If there are custom headers or body parameters, validate each for accuracy.
  3. External References:

    • For more details on setting up Genesys data connectors in Rivery, refer to the official Rivery documentation on Genesys Integration (ensure the link is correct and points to the specific section on handling errors or setup guidelines).
    • Review the official Genesys API Documentation to ensure you are following the appropriate request format.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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