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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-GNS-117 related to the Genesys data connector is indicating a TOKEN_TYPE problem. This error generally arises when there is an issue with the type or configuration of the token being used for authentication with the Genesys API.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Token Configuration: Ensure that the correct token type is being used in the connection settings. Confirm that the token type configured in Rivery matches the requirements of the Genesys API.
    • Update Credentials: If the token has expired or if there have been changes to the token (e.g., it has been regenerated), update the credentials in Rivery with the new token.
    • Check API Documentation: Review the Genesys API documentation to verify the expected authentication methods and token type. Ensure that any specific parameters required by the API are correctly configured in the Rivery integration.
    • Test Connection: Use Rivery's test connection feature (if available) to ensure that the new token and credentials are working as expected.
    • Logs and Monitoring: Review any logs available within the Rivery platform or Genesys that might give additional context or errors related to token authentication.
  3. External References:

    • For more details on configuring services connected with OAuth or token-based authentication, you may refer to the Rivery Documentation.
    • If you need specifics on GeneSys authentication token handling, please check directly with the Genesys Developer Documentation.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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