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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error "No data for mapping, Error Code: RVR-GPL-006" with the Google Play (gplay) data connector typically occurs when there is an issue with data availability or mapping configurations within Rivery. This may be due to incomplete or missing configuration settings that are necessary for data mapping from the source to the target.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Review the Data Configuration:
      • Ensure that the source has data available for extraction. Check if there are any filters that could be restricting the data visibility or causing the fetch operation to return empty.
    • Mapping Check:
      • Verify whether the mapping between the source fields and the target structure is correctly defined. Use the auto-mapping feature in Rivery to assist with setting up the correct mappings.
    • Sync and Cleanup:
      • If the issue is related to change tracking and data syncs, make sure that the last synchronization and cleanup processes are correctly configured and not inadvertently deleting or failing to capture data.
    • Logs and Monitoring:
      • Check the logs for any additional error messages related to change tracking synchronization issues, which might provide more specifics about what part of the process is failing.
  3. External References:

    • For further details, refer to the official Rivery documentation, particularly the sections dealing with data mapping and synchronization issues: Rivery Documentation.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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