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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-HIBOB-001 indicates that the connection to the HiBob data connector in Rivery is failing due to incomplete or missing credentials. This typically happens when necessary authentication details, such as API keys, tokens, or other required data, are not properly configured.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify the credential details:
      • Ensure that the API key, token, or any other form of required authentication is correctly entered in the Rivery connection settings for HiBob.
      • Double-check for any typographical errors in the entered credentials.
    • Re-check HiBob API Access:
      • Ensure that the HiBob API access has been correctly set up, and that Rivery is authorized to access the data.
      • Confirm any extra permissions or scopes that might be necessary for the connection.
    • Test the connection in Rivery:
      • Use the Test Connection option to ensure that the HiBob connector is reaching the intended API endpoint without errors.
    • Review HiBob Support or Documentation:
      • For specific steps or credential types required by HiBob's API, consult the HiBob API documentation or support resources.
  3. External References:

    • For further guidance on setting up and troubleshooting HiBob credentials in Rivery, refer to the official Rivery documentation: Rivery Documentation.
    • Consult the HiBob API documentation for specific credential configuration: HiBob Official Documentation.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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