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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-HIBOB-102 indicates that the HTTP response status code is not OK when using the Hibob data connector in Rivery. This initial diagnosis suggests that the request made to the Hibob API did not return a successful HTTP status code (e.g., 200), which could be due to several reasons, including network issues, incorrect API endpoint, or authentication failures.
    • This error typically means that the API call to Hibob failed to connect or was not authenticated properly, leading to a response other than a successful HTTP status code.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Check API Endpoint: Verify that the API endpoint URL provided in the Rivery Hibob connector settings is correct and properly formatted.
    • Authenticate:
      • Ensure that the API key or credentials used for the Hibob connection are accurate and have not expired. You may need to reauthenticate or regenerate the API key if necessary.
    • Network and Firewall:
      • Ensure that there are no network issues or firewall settings blocking the API calls from Rivery to Hibob. Whitelist Rivery's IP addresses if required】.
    • Review API Request Restrictions:
      • Check if there are any restrictions on the Hibob API, such as rate limits or required headers, and ensure requests conform to these requirements.
    • Logs: Review any available logs or error messages in both Rivery and Hibob to get more insights on what went wrong with the API call.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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