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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • You encountered the error "HTTP response status code not OK" with the error code RVR-HIBOB-103 when using the Hibob data connector in Rivery. This indicates that the HTTP request made by the Rivery connector did not receive a successful status code from Hibob's API.
    • Initially, this error suggests a communication issue between Rivery and the Hibob API, which can be due to several reasons including incorrect endpoint, network issues, or authentication failures.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify API Details: Check the API endpoint and any parameters or data being sent in the request for correctness. Ensure the URL is correct and part of the Hibob API that you intended to connect to.
    • Authentication: Ensure that any authentication details, such as API keys or tokens, are correctly configured and not expired. Re-authentication may be necessary if tokens are stale.
    • Check Permissions: Verify that the necessary permissions are granted to the API key or token being used, ensuring it has the necessary access rights to perform the requested operations.
    • Network Issues: Ensure there are no network restrictions or firewalls blocking access to the Hibob API from your system. Whitelisting IPs used by Rivery might be necessary, as described in their documentation .
    • Review Connector Configuration: Double-check the Hibob connector settings within the Rivery platform to make sure that no required configuration steps were missed during setup .
  3. External References:

    • Refer to Rivery's official documentation on troubleshooting common errors: Rivery Troubleshooting Documentation
    • Hibob API Documentation for any specific needs, such as authentication methods and endpoint specifications.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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