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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-HIBOB-201 indicates that the fetch operation for Hibob employee data could not be executed. This problem often arises from issues with the API authentication, incorrect request parameters, or a misconfigured Hibob connection in Rivery.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Connection Credentials:

      • Ensure that the Hibob API connection credentials (Client ID and Token) are correctly entered in Rivery. You can refer to Rivery's Hibob connection setup guide here.
      • Test your connection to determine if the credentials are working as expected.
    • Review API Permissions and Access:

      • Check if the Hibob API key or token has the necessary permissions to fetch employee data. Sometimes, insufficient permissions can block data retrieval.
    • Check API Version and Endpoints:

      • Ensure you are using the correct API version and endpoint as specified in Hibob's documentation. Problems can occur if the API provider modifies endpoints or deprecates methods.
    • Inspect Request Parameters:

      • Validate all request parameters and data formats to conform with the API requirements. Missing or incorrect parameters can cause the request to fail.
      • If you are using custom fields, ensure your role has the necessary access.
  3. External References:

    • Review the Hibob API documentation on authentication and endpoints here.
    • Rivery Hibob connection setup and troubleshooting guide.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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