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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The user is encountering an error "No data_key found for the report" with error code RVR-HIBOB-203 while using the Hibob data connector within the Rivery platform. This error typically indicates that the expected key required to retrieve data from a specific report is not configured or missing in the setup. Hibob is a HR information system and this error reflects a misconfiguration or missing detail likely in the custom report setup to fetch data from Hibob's API.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Report ID or Configuration:

      • Make sure the report you are attempting to access is correctly configured in the Hibob platform.
      • Check if the specific data_key or report ID is defined and correctly set up in your connection settings to Hibob.
    • Ensure Permissions:

      • Confirm that the Rivery connection to Hibob has the appropriate permissions to access the data and reports you are attempting to pull.
      • Review user permissions and API configurations on the Hibob side to ensure the Rivery connection is provided with adequate access.
    • Inspect API Response:

      • If custom endpoints or APIs are being used, inspect the response to see what keys are present, and ensure you reference them correctly in your Rivery configuration.
    • Review the Rivery Custom Reports Setup:

      • Double-check the setup of your custom reports within Rivery for Hibob API v1, ensuring that all fields and identifiers necessary for the data pull are correctly configured.
  3. External References:

    • To explore how to create custom reports with Hibob in Rivery, you can review the following documentation: Hibob Predefined Reports.
    • Hibob API Documentation could provide more insights into the data_key requirements: Hibob API Documentation.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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