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# Troubleshooting Guide for Hibob API Error (RVR-HIBOB-207)

  1. Issue Summary

    • Error Code: RVR-HIBOB-207
    • Error Description: Failure when trying to create JSON body for People Search Post API call.
    • Data Connector: Hibob
    • Diagnosis: The error indicates a problem with constructing the JSON request body for the People Search API call in Hibob. This is often due to incorrect formatting, missing fields, or invalid data types in the JSON structure.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify JSON Structure: Ensure that your JSON payload adheres to the expected structure required by Hibob's People Search API. Check for any missing braces, quotations, or commas that might lead to an invalid JSON format.
    • Check Required Fields: Confirm that all mandatory fields are included in your JSON payload. Hibob API documentation will outline the required fields for a People Search request.
    • Data Types Verification: Validate that the data types in your JSON correspond to what the API expects (e.g., strings, numbers, Booleans, arrays).
    • API Documentation Review: Refer to the Rivery Hibob Integration Documentation for detailed information on constructing the correct JSON body.
    • Test JSON Body: Use a JSON validator to check your request body for syntax errors. Tools like JSONLint can help identify structural problems in your JSON.
    • Use Rivery's Test Rest Action: Within Rivery, utilize the "Test REST Action" to verify if the configured request returns a successful response. This can help ensure your JSON payload is processed correctly.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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