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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • Error Code: RVR-HOF-101 is related to the Rivery data connector for HasOffers reporting a failure when attempting to retrieve data. This could be related to a connection issue, incorrect credentials, or an API limitation within the HasOffers API used to retrieve data.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Step 1: Verify Credentials: Ensure that the API Key and Network ID provided in the Rivery connection setup for HasOffers are correct and up to date. If necessary, re-authenticate or update these values in the connection settings .

    • Step 2: Connection Test: Use the "Test Connection" feature in the Rivery platform to verify that the connection to HasOffers can be established. If the test fails, further investigate the credentials or network permissions.

    • Step 3: API Limitations: Ensure that the data request does not exceed any limitations set by the HasOffers API. Sometimes APIs have strict limits on the amount of data or the number of requests that can be made. If faced with limitations like result number caps, consider adjusting the API request parameters or employing pagination techniques to fetch data in smaller batches.

    • Step 4: Check HasOffers Documentation: Visit HasOffers' official documentation to check for any known API issues or changes that might affect data retrieval. This documentation will also provide further guidance on troubleshooting API connectivity or data retrieval issues 【4:0†source】.

  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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