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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • Error Code: RVR-HOF-102 indicates that no data was found in the HasOffers results. This can occur when the data retrieval process is successful in terms of connection, but no records meet the criteria or filters applied during the data extraction in Rivery.
    • Initial diagnosis suggests that either the filters applied returned no results or there might be a data availability issue in the HasOffers account at the time of the extraction attempt.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Filters and Parameters: Check the parameters and filters you have set in the data extraction configuration in Rivery. Ensure that these parameters are correct and align with the data you expect to retrieve.
    • Check Data Availability: Log into your HasOffers account directly and verify that there is data available for the time period and metrics you are querying.
    • Adjust Date Range: If you have a date range set, consider expanding it to ensure there are indeed records during that timeframe.
    • Consult HasOffers Documentation: Make sure that the HasOffers API or data source is returning data as expected and there are no connectivity or access issues.
    • Test with Default Values: If possible, try running the data retrieval without filters or with default values to check if any data is returned.
    • Review API Limits: Ensure there are no API restrictions or rate limits that may influence the data retrieval process.
  3. External References:

    • For further details and troubleshooting guidance for HasOffers data connector, please visit the official Rivery HasOffers documentation.
    • If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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