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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • Error Code: RVR-HRVST-402
    • Data Connector: Harvest
    • Error Description: Some required data is missing.
    • Initial Diagnosis: This error is usually encountered when specific required data fields are not provided in the request or extracted data is incomplete.
  2. Action Steps:

    1. Check Connection: Verify that the Harvest data connector is set up correctly. Ensure that the credentials and connection details are accurate and that there is an active connection to Harvest.
    2. Review Field Requirements: Ensure that all required fields or parameters are specified in the dataset being queried or extracted. Review Harvest's API documentation to understand which fields are mandatory.
    3. Validate Permissions: Confirm that the data extraction request has the necessary permissions. The API token used should have access to the data needed.
    4. Test with Different Parameters: Try running the extraction with different parameters or a limited dataset to identify if the missing data error persists due to specific configurations.
    5. Check API Response: Look into the API response logs to identify any fields that may not be returned. This could highlight what data might be missing or incorrect.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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