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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error encountered is "Query to non existing object in harvest side. Error Code: RVR-HRVST-404" while using the Harvest data connector. This error indicates that a query is being made to an object that does not exist in the Harvest system. A possible initial diagnosis might involve incorrect identifiers or an outdated reference in the Harvest API request.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Object Reference: Ensure that the object you are trying to query exists in Harvest. Double-check the object names or IDs to make sure they are correct.
    • Update API Version: Make sure that the API version you are using is up-to-date. Sometimes APIs undergo changes, and objects might be renamed or removed.
    • Check Permissions: Verify that your API credentials have the correct permissions to access the desired objects. This can be done by checking the Harvest API setup and the permissions granted to your API client.
    • Re-examine API Request: Review the API request being sent for any potential mistakes in endpoint paths, query parameters, or request body content.
    • Consult Harvest Documentation: For further details on supported objects and endpoints in the Harvest API, refer to the Harvest API documentation.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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