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Article summary

1. Issue Summary

The error code RVR-HRVST-502 with the message "No data from harvest." indicates a failure in retrieving data using a Harvest data connector in Rivery. This can occur if the source system does not return any data within the expected parameters, which might signal a problem with the connection, configuration, or data availability.

2. Action Steps:

  1. Verify Connectivity:

    • Ensure that the connection from Rivery to Harvest is properly established.
    • Double-check the credentials used for the connection, including any API keys or tokens, for correctness.
  2. Check Data Availability:

    • Make sure there are records available for extraction. Sometimes, this error simply means there is no data matching the extraction criteria for the specified time range.
  3. Review Configuration:

    • Verify that all necessary configurations (such as date ranges, filters, or other parameters) in the River are correct and align with what is available in Harvest.
  4. Reconnect Account:

    • If changes have been made in configuration by an administrator, re-establish the connection to ensure it is active.
  5. Consult Logs:

    • Review any logs available in Rivery for additional details or related error messages that could provide more insights into what might be failing.
  6. Test the Connection:

    • Use the "Test Connection" feature in Rivery to verify if the connection to Harvest is working as expected.

3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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