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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • You're encountering a "Retryable API request error" with the error code RVR-ITR-401 in the iTunes Reporter connector on Rivery. This error typically indicates that the API request can be retried due to temporary issues, such as network instability or rate limiting. The error code RVR-ITR-401 suggests an authentication issue or a permission denial typically associated with access limitations or API rate limits.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Check API Credentials: Ensure that your API credentials for iTunes Reporter are correct and have not expired. Refresh or re-authenticate if necessary.
    • Review API Limits: Check if you are hitting any rate limits of the iTunes Reporter API. If you are making too many requests in a short period, try reducing the frequency or batching your requests more efficiently.
    • Network Stability: Ensure there are no network connectivity issues from your server or local environment to the API endpoint. This may involve checking your internet connection stability or any firewall settings that could be blocking requests.
    • Retry Logic: Implement retry logic within your Rivery setup to automatically retry requests in case of transient errors. This can help mitigate short-term connectivity issues.
    • Log and Monitor: Use Rivery's logging and monitoring tools to log detailed request attempts and closely monitor for patterns that precede the error. Identify specific times or actions that lead to the error.
    • Consult Documentation: Refer to the official documentation of iTunes Reporter and Rivery for any known issues or updates regarding API interactions.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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