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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-ITR-405 for the Reddit Data Connector indicates an "API request error." This typically involves issues related to API connectivity, authentication, or limitations on API usage. The provided error code suggests that the request is either malformed or not authorized, pointing towards potential configuration or authentication problems within the Rivery platform when accessing Reddit data.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Check API Credentials: Ensure that the credentials and tokens used in the Reddit connection are valid and have not expired. Re-authenticate if necessary by updating the OAuth tokens or re-establishing the connection.
    • Verify API Permissions: Confirm that the authenticated user has the appropriate permissions to access the Reddit API resources you are attempting to retrieve.
    • Inspect Request Limits: Review any applicable API request limits or throttling rules set by Reddit's API. If you are exceeding these limits, consider optimizing requests or applying back-off strategies.
    • Test Connection: Use Rivery's "Test Connection" feature to verify that the connection to Reddit is successfully established. Ensure no errors are reported during this test.
    • Examine API Endpoints: Validate that the API endpoints and request parameters being used are correct and comply with the Reddit API specification.
    • Check for Deprecation: Ensure that the API version being used is still supported and not deprecated.
  3. External References:

    • For further details on setting up or managing Reddit connections in Rivery, you can refer to the Rivery documentation on Reddit connection.
    • Additional information on Reddit API usage and limitations can be found on the official Reddit API documentation.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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