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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • You are encountering an "Invalid authentication credentials" error with the error code RVR-LGC-001 when attempting to connect to Snowflake using Rivery. This error typically indicates that the authentication information provided (like username or password) is incorrect, missing, or not properly configured.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Check Credentials: Ensure that your Snowflake username and password used in Rivery's Snowflake connection setup are correct. Double-check for typos or incorrect inputs.
    • Validate Permissions: Confirm that the credentials have the necessary permissions to access the specific resources in Snowflake (e.g., the database, schema, and warehouse you are trying to use).
    • Review Account Name Format: Make sure your Account Name is correctly set in the Snowflake connection settings. You might need to include the cloud provider in the account name if applicable (e.g., account-name.region.gcp).
    • Password and Special Characters: Revisit your password settings and ensure it adheres to any restrictions, such as avoiding specific special characters that Snowflake might not accept【4:17†source】.
    • Test the Connection: Use the "Test Connection" feature within Rivery to verify if the changes made rectify the issue【4:17†source】.
  3. External References:

    • For further reference on setting up a Snowflake connection in Rivery, see the official Rivery documentation on Connecting Snowflake.
    • Check Snowflake Documentation for more detailed guidance on Snowflake account, roles, and permissions.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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