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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-LNKADS-101 indicates a failure when testing the connection to LinkedIn through Rivery. This error typically indicates issues related to authentication or configuration settings while attempting to connect to LinkedIn Ads via Rivery.
    • Initial diagnosis suggests a potential misconfiguration in the LinkedIn application settings, or an issue related to permissions and access tokens.
  2. Action Steps:

    1. Verify LinkedIn Application Settings:

      • Ensure the LinkedIn application is correctly configured with the necessary scopes for "r_ads_reporting" and "r_ads".
      • Check if the client ID, client secret, and the authorized redirect URLs (such as https://console.rivery.io/api/oauthcallback/linkedin) are correctly set up in your LinkedIn developer application settings.
    2. Re-check LinkedIn Credentials:

      • Make sure that the LinkedIn user account used for authentication has appropriate access to the LinkedIn Ads application.
    3. Refresh Tokens:

      • Since LinkedIn access tokens are usually valid for 60 days, if the token is expired or revoked, you need to remove the current connection and reconnect to LinkedIn to receive a new token.
    4. Browser and Network Configuration:

      • Ensure that pop-ups are not blocked for the Rivery in your browser, as this might prevent the completion of the authentication process.
      • Verify network settings to ensure there are no firewall or proxy settings that could block the connection to LinkedIn.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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