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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error "Wrong river configuration. Error Code: RVR-LNKADS-201" indicates a configuration issue with a river connected to LinkedIn on the Rivery platform. This error can arise from several configuration missteps, such as incorrect LinkedIn application settings or missing authentication tokens. A common cause is failing to properly set up LinkedIn's authorized redirect URLs or incorrect scope settings.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify LinkedIn Application Configuration:
      • Ensure that your LinkedIn application is correctly configured. This includes having valid Client ID and Client Secret entries.
      • Make sure the scopes "r_ads_reporting" and "r_ads" are included in the application.
    • Check OAuth Redirect URLs:
      • Add https://console.rivery.io/api/oauthcallback/linkedin to the list of authorized redirect URLs in your LinkedIn application and save the changes
    • Reconfirm Authentication:
      • Remove the current LinkedIn connection.
      • Reconnect to your LinkedIn account to regenerate the access token.
    • Review Connection Details:
      • Double-check that all connection details have been entered correctly in Rivery, including Client ID, Client Secret, and any scope settings.
    • Test Connectivity:
      • After reconfiguring, test the connection to ensure the error is resolved.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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