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Article summary

1. Issue Summary

The error code RVR-LSNF-106 indicates a failed test connection to Snowflake within Rivery's platform. Common causes for connection failures to Snowflake include incorrect credentials, insufficient permissions on the Snowflake account, or misconfigured network settings. This error typically implies that the platform was unable to establish a successful connection to the Snowflake data warehouse, which could be due to network restrictions or incorrect connection parameters.

2. Action Steps

Here are the steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Verify Credentials:

    • Ensure that the username and password entered in Rivery match those in your Snowflake account. Remember that Snowflake passwords should not contain certain special characters such as {, }, ", ?, /, #, *, and others.
  2. Check Permissions:

    • Verify that the Snowflake user associated with the connection has adequate permissions on the warehouse, database, schema, and table objects that your connection is attempting to access. Without proper permissions, the connection will fail.
  3. Network and IP Whitelisting:

    • Ensure that your network configuration allows Rivery's IP addresses to connect to your Snowflake instance. This typically involves whitelisting Rivery's IPs within Snowflake's security settings.
  4. Test Basic and Key-Pair Authentication:

    • If you're using Key-Pair Authentication, ensure that the key-pair is correctly configured and assigned to the Snowflake user. Otherwise, switch to Basic Authentication and ensure all information, including the warehouse and account name, is correctly set.
  5. Test Connection Again:

    • After verifying and making the necessary changes, attempt to test the connection again through Rivery. This can be done within the connection settings page.

3. External References

For further assistance and a detailed walkthrough of establishing a Snowflake connection in Rivery, you can refer to the Snowflake integration guide on Rivery's Documentation. Additionally, for general network troubleshooting with Snowflake, refer to Snowflake's Documentation on Networking.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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