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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error "Warehouse does not exist. Error Code: RVR-LSNF-108" is associated with a Snowflake data connector in Rivery. This indicates that the specified warehouse set in your Rivery configuration does not exist in your Snowflake account. This could be due to a typo in the warehouse name, configuration issues, or the warehouse may not have been created within your Snowflake environment.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Warehouse Name: Ensure that the warehouse name specified in your Rivery connection matches exactly with one of the existing warehouse names in your Snowflake account. Check for any typos or case sensitivity issues.
    • Check Warehouse Status: Log into your Snowflake account and verify that the warehouse is active and not in a suspended state. If it is suspended, manually resume it.
    • Review Snowflake Permissions: Ensure that your Snowflake credentials have the necessary permissions to access the warehouse. Your user role should have USAGE privilege on the specified warehouse.
    • Create a Warehouse: If the warehouse does not exist, you may need to create it. You can use the following SQL command in Snowflake to create a warehouse:
      CREATE WAREHOUSE IF NOT EXISTS "your_warehouse_name"    
      AUTO_SUSPEND = 300  
      Be sure to replace "your_warehouse_name" with the actual name you wish to use.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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