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Article summary

1. Issue Summary

The error code RVR-LTBQ-100 indicates a failure when attempting to load data into BigQuery. Based on typical error scenarios, this can be related to mismatches in data types, region discrepancies between the dataset and the storage location, or issues with permissions and connection settings.

2. Action Steps

Here’s a series of checks and fixes you can apply to resolve this issue:

  1. Data Type Mismatches:

    • Ensure the data types in your source match those expected in the BigQuery target. For instance, if you're inserting strings into a date field, this would cause a failure.
  2. Region Compatibility:

    • Verify that your Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket's region matches the dataset region in BigQuery. BigQuery cannot read and write data across different regions.
  3. Connection and Permission Settings:

    • Ensure your Google Cloud project and BigQuery service account have the correct roles. The service account should have permissions like BigQuery Data Viewer, BigQuery Job User, and access to both the source bucket and BigQuery dataset.
  4. Legacy & Standard SQL Differences:

    • If you've switched from Legacy SQL to Standard SQL (or vice versa), ensure any adjustments necessary for functions and data types are well-configured.
  5. Advanced Options in Rivery:

    • Review the advanced options in your Rivery setup to ensure any special configurations or toggles, such as the Custom File Zone, is set correctly as per your service account and bucket configuration.

3. External References

  • For detailed setup instructions and troubleshooting, refer to Rivery's documentation on the configuration of BigQuery and GCS buckets.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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