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Article summary

1. Issue Summary

  • You have encountered a "Rivery Email User Error" with the Error Code: RVR-MAIL-100 while working with the Mail data connector on the Rivery platform. This error typically occurs due to a configuration or authentication problem, potentially involving incorrect credentials or a connectivity issue with the email account settings.

2. Action Steps

  1. Reconnect the Account:

    • According to Rivery documentation, if there is a configuration change made by your administrator or if there's a connectivity issue, you need to reconnect your account. Simply update the connection settings and authenticate again.
  2. Verify Credentials:

    • Ensure that the credentials (email address and password) are correct.
    • If you're using OAuth2 for Gmail or Outlook, make sure you've followed the correct authentication procedures, including allowing any required permissions and ensuring your browser allows pop-ups.
  3. Check Connection Settings:

    • For Gmail, ensure that the OAuth App is configured correctly with the appropriate client ID and that third-party app access is allowed in the Admin Console.
    • For Outlook, verify that you're using the correct OAuth2 credentials.
  4. Perform Test Connection:

    • Use the "Test Connection" function in Rivery to verify if the connection is successful. If the test fails, reconsider step 2 regarding credentials or OAuth setup .
  5. Update Email Configuration if Necessary:

    • Depending on the email provider's latest protocols, verify if the IMAP server settings are correct and ensure any security changes (like disabling less secure apps) have been applied as per the service provider's guidelines.

3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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