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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-MAIL-208 indicates an EXCEL_TO_CSV_ERROR encountered while using the Mail connector in Rivery. This error is usually related to a failure in converting an Excel file to CSV format. An initial diagnosis would suggest issues with the input Excel file potentially being malformed, unsupported features, or unreadable due to incompatible formats or corruption.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Excel File Format: Ensure that the Excel file (usually .xlsx) is not corrupted and is accessible. Open it using a standard spreadsheet tool to make sure it can be read without issues.
    • Check Compatibility: Make sure the Excel file doesn’t contain complex data structures like macros or embedded tables that may not be supported during conversion.
    • Simplify Excel Content: If possible, simplify your Excel file by ensuring it contains only basic data types and structures.
    • Review and Repair: Use spreadsheet software to save the Excel file again, potentially using different versions or formats to see if that resolves any inherent issues.
    • Excel to CSV Manual Conversion: Before loading the file into Rivery, try converting the file to CSV format manually using Excel or another spreadsheet tool to see if the conversion works outside Rivery.
  3. External References:

    • Refer to the official Rivery Documentation for further details on supported file types and troubleshooting guidance with data connectors like Mail.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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