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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-MGB-100 indicates a JSON parsing error while using the MongoDB data connector in Rivery. This can happen when the JSON data structure being processed is not as expected or has anomalies such as invalid syntax or incorrectly nested structures.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify JSON Structure: Check the JSON data being processed to ensure that it is correctly structured. There should be no missing braces, colons, commas, or mismatched brackets.
    • Data Type Conversions: Ensure that MongoDB data types are correctly mapped to Rivery-compatible types during the extraction process. MongoDB objects and arrays should be handled as JSON, strings, or other appropriate types depending on the target mapping.
    • Check for Nested JSON: If your JSON contains nested objects, verify if they require special handling or transformation before processing. If necessary, consider flattening the JSON structure or extracting relevant fields.
    • Inspect Conversion Settings: Review your data conversion settings to make sure there are no inconsistencies in how types are defined or expected during mapping.
    • Review Logs: Inspect logs to identify where the parsing fails. This can give insights into whether the error is due to a specific part of the JSON document.
    • Update MongoDB Connection: Ensure that your MongoDB connection settings are correctly configured and that the URI and credentials are correctly entered.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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